Comment to prepare a tender and flavorful beef brisket


Recipe for 4 people.

🍖 1 piece of beef chuck (about 1.3 kg) 🧄 3 cloves of garlic (chopped)
🧅 2 onions (sliced) 🥕 4 carrots (sliced)
🍇 1 glass of red wine 🍗 1.5 L chicken broth
🌿 Herbs de Provence (to taste) 🧂 Salt and pepper (to taste)
🫒 Olive oil (for cooking)


🍳 Cast iron pot 🔪 Chef’s knife
🥄 Wooden spoon 🍽️ Serving plate
🧂 Salt shaker and pepper shaker 📏 Kitchen thermometer
🥄 Ladle 🍷 Wine glass

Le Paleron de veau c’est un morceau que j’affectionne particulièrement ! J’en ais goûté une fois à un très beau mariage, cuit basse température c’est vraiment une petite folie ! En fait c’est vraiment hyper moelleux, pas sec, mais ça ne se détache pas tout seul, ça tient grâce au collagène bien présent dans le morceau, c’edt excellent aussi effiloché, mais comme ça c’est un régal ! Alors pourquoi pas le fumer au barbecue ? Dans le Kamado @thebastard –> 2h de fumaison + 1h dans le papier de boucher (butcher paper comme disent les États-Uniens ! ). Pour le Rub, restons simple : – 1 cac de sel – 2 cac de sucre – 1 cac poudre d’ail – 1 cac de poivre moulu Et pour la sauce je t’ai tout dis dans la vidéo ! Allez, bon app ! #pourtoi #recette #recettefacile #viande #boucher #bonnepitance #bbq #kamado #veau

♬ son original – Bonne Pitance 🥩

Preparation step by step

Total cooking time: 3 hours

Preparation time: 15 minutes

Rest time: 30 minutes

Cooking time: 3 hours

STEP 1: Start by finely slicing the onions and sauté them in a bit of olive oil.

STEP 2: Once the onions are translucent, set them aside and heat your cast iron pot over high heat.

STEP 3: Add the piece of chuck and brown it on all sides to seal in the juices.

STEP 4: Return the onions to the pot and add the chicken broth to deglaze the bottom.

STEP 5: Season with salt, pepper, and other herbs to your taste.

STEP 6: Cover the pot and let it simmer gently on low heat for about 3 hours.

STEP 7: Check the cooking regularly and turn the chuck for even cooking.

STEP 8: Once the cooking is done, let the chuck rest for 30 minutes before slicing.

To achieve a beef chuck that is both tender and flavorful, it is essential to choose a piece of quality meat that is well marbled. The seasoning step is fundamental; season generously with salt, pepper, and aromatic herbs. The cooking should be done over low heat in a cast iron pot, allowing the aromas to fully develop.

Don’t forget to sear each side of the meat to create a nice crust that will hold in the juices. Add vegetables such as onions and carrots to enhance the flavor of the dish. Let it simmer quietly and enjoy an elegant meal that will delight your guests.

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