Comment to prepare a delicious recipe for chicken with prawns in the Catalan style?

Discover an irresistible recipe combining the tenderness of chicken and the flavor of shrimp in the Catalan style. Follow my tips to prepare this exquisite Mediterranean dish that will delight your taste buds in no time!

Necessary Ingredients

discover how to prepare a delicious chicken and shrimp recipe in the Catalan style and enjoy this savory and refined dish.

Discover the essential ingredients to make a tasty shrimp and chicken recipe that will delight your taste buds. Here’s what you will need to prepare this exquisite dish:

Main Ingredients:

For the shrimp and chicken recipe, you will need:

Ingredients for the Marinade:

Prepare a flavorful marinade to enhance the flavors of your shrimp and chicken:

Ingredients for the Side Dish:

Complete your shrimp and chicken dish with sides that will perfectly complement the generous flavors of the main dish:

By gathering all these ingredients, you will be ready to create a delicious shrimp and chicken recipe that will enchant your guests. Feel free to customize the spices and quantities according to your tastes for a surprising and gourmet culinary experience.

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