Recipe for 4 people.
Preparation step by step
Preparation time: 30 minutes
Rest time: 12 hours
Cooking time: 2 hours
Total cooking time: 14 hours 30 minutes
STEP 1: Roughly remove the fat from the duck thighs using a knife and set it aside.
STEP 2: Sprinkle each duck thigh with coarse salt and rub well to ensure the meat is thoroughly coated.
STEP 3: Let the thighs rest in the refrigerator for 12 hours to allow the salt to penetrate.
STEP 4: Rinse the thighs under cold water to remove the excess salt and then gently dry them with paper towels.
STEP 5: Place the duck thighs in a cocotte and completely cover them with melted duck fat.
STEP 6: Simmer over very low heat for about 2 hours, until the meat is very tender.
STEP 7: Let the duck thighs cool in the fat before storing them in the refrigerator for more flavor.
Making confited duck thighs does not require exceptional talent, but simply a bit of method and patience. By following the mentioned steps, from preparing the thighs to cooking them at low temperature, you will achieve a flavorful and comforting dish. The duck fat plays a fundamental role in the confiting process, ensuring tenderness and flavor.
This recipe, although traditional, can also be adapted with various side dishes. Why not try pairing it with confited potatoes or seasonal vegetables? To discover more tips and recipes, visit the link on the Duck Parmentier or explore our new restaurant in Rouen.