Recette simple de roasted broccoli au four pour un accompagnement


Recipe for 4 people.

🌿 Broccoli (head) : 1 🧄 Garlic cloves : 2
🫒 Olive oil : 3 tablespoons 🌶️ Spices (Curry or Garam Masala) : 1 teaspoon
🧂 Salt : to taste 🧂 Pepper : to taste


🥦 Cutting board 🔪 Kitchen knife
🧂 Tablespoon 🥄 Teaspoon
💧 Mixing bowl 📏 Kitchen brush
🍽 Baking tray 📜 Parchement paper (optional)
⏲️ Timer (or smartphone) 🔥 Preheated oven

Brocolis rôtis 💚 Voilà une super idée d’accompagnement ou d’entrée et qui fera aimer à coup sûr les brocolis mémé aux plus réticents 😎 Coupez les fleurettes de brocolis. Dans un plat, mélangez des l’huile d’olive, de l’ail en poudre, du parmesan, du sel et du poivre. Badigeonnez les fleurettes de brocolis de ce mélange, parsemez d’encore un peu de parmesan et enfournez environ 20/30 min à 200 degrés ! Tadaaaam c’est prêt 💚 #recette #ideerecette #recettefacile #recetterapide #legume #recettesimple

♬ son original – Eva – Foodiz

Step-by-step preparation

Total cooking time: 20 minutes

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Rest time: None

Cooking time: 20 minutes

STEP 1: Wash the broccoli florets thoroughly and pat them dry with a clean towel.

STEP 2: Preheat your oven to 200°C (thermostat 6-7) for optimal cooking of the broccoli.

STEP 3: In a bowl, mix the olive oil, salt, pepper, and possibly spices like curry.

STEP 4: Add the broccoli florets to the oil mixture and mix well to coat them evenly.

STEP 5: Spread the florets on a baking tray lined with parchment paper in a single layer.

STEP 6: Bake the broccoli and roast for about 20 minutes, until golden.

STEP 7: Check the cooking, then take the broccoli out of the oven and let it rest for a few moments before serving.

Making oven-roasted broccoli is a simple and effective way to prepare a delicious side dish. By using ingredients like olive oil, garlic, and a hint of spices, you enhance the flavor of this vegetable with great nutritional potential. With a few easy steps, you’ll get crispy broccoli florets on the outside and tender on the inside.

This dish pairs wonderfully with various meats or even vegetarian dishes, adding a colorful touch to your table. Feel free to experiment with different spices to customize this recipe to your taste. Oven-roasted broccoli can easily become a staple in your meal preparation.

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