Recette de red velvet : un gâteau moelleux au chocolat rouge
Recette de red velvet : un gâteau moelleux au chocolat rouge

Recette de red velvet : un gâteau moelleux au chocolat rouge Ingrédients Recette pour 4 personnes. 🍰 180 g de farine tout usage 🧁 30 g de cacao amer en poudre 🥚 2 œufs 🥄 120 g de sucre 🧈 80 g de beurre mou 🧴 40 g d'huile (type soja ou tournesol) 💧 1 cuillère à café d'extrait de vanille 🧂 1 cuillère à café de bicarbonate de soude…

Gâteau pépites de chocolat : la recette facile à réaliser
Gâteau pépites de chocolat : la recette facile à réaliser

Chocolate chip cake: the easy recipe to make Ingredients Recipe for 4 people. 🧈 80 g of soft gastronomic butter 🥛 10 cl of semi-skimmed milk 🍬 120 g of sugar 🥚 2 eggs 🌾 250 g of flour 🧂 1 packet of baking powder 🍫 150 g of chocolate chips Utensils 🍽️ Mixing bowl 🥄 Wooden spoon 🔪 Knife ⚖️ Kitchen scale 💧 Measuring jug or…


Recette de pandan cake : an Asian preparation Ingredients Recipe for 4 people. 🥚 4 eggs 🥥 60 g of coconut milk 🍬 200 g of sugar 🍵 80 g of pandan juice 🌾 200 g of flour ⚗️ pandan flavor (optional) Utensils 🍽️ A large bowl 🥄 A wooden spoon ⚖️ A kitchen scale 🍳 An electric mixer 🍰 A cake pan 🥛 A measuring cup…


Comment to use a piping bag for your decorations Ingredients Recipe for 4 people. 🍰 Piping bag (disposable or reusable) 🍫 Filling of your choice (cream, icing, etc.) 🎂 Nozzle suitable for the decoration style ✨ Food coloring (optional for colored decorations) 🍦 Whipped cream or other filling preparation 🧁 Powdered sugar (for sweet preparations) Utensils 🎂 Piping bag 🧁 Interchangeable nozzles 💧 Icing or filling ✋ Clothespin…


Discover the simple recipe for homemade angel hair Ingredients Recipe for 4 people. 🍜 150 g of angel hair 🍚 150 g of sugar 🥛 1/2 liter of milk 🌿 2 teaspoons of cinnamon Utensils 🍲 Pot 🍴 Wooden spoon 🥣 Bowls 📏 Kitchen scale 🍶 Measuring cup 🔥 Oven 🥄 Measuring spoons 🔪 Knife Preparation step by step Preparation time: 10 minutes Cooking time: 3…


Gluеn-free cake: easy and quick recipe to make Ingredients Recipe for 4 people. 🍳 3 eggs 🧂 80 g of cane sugar 🌾 250 g of millet flour 🍫 150 g of dark chocolate 🧴 8 cl of rapeseed oil 🎉 1 packet of baking powder Utensils 🍴 Mixing bowl 🥄 Wooden spoon 🥚 Whisk ⚖️ Scale 🏺 Measuring cup 🔥 Cake dish 🔪 Knife 🧁 Paper…

Comment choisir le bon moule à manqué pour vos gâteaux
Comment choisir le bon moule à manqué pour vos gâteaux

Comment to choose the right cake pan for your cakes View this post on Instagram To make your cakes succeed, the springform pan is an element not to be overlooked. Choosing the right type of pan can significantly enhance the quality of your creations. Hinged models, for example, with their removable base, make it easier to release your cakes without damaging them. Aluminum or stainless steel pans are…