Comment to cook efficiently with a skillet in 5 steps Ingredients Recipe for 4 people. 🍗 400 g of meat (chicken, beef, or tofu) 🥦 300 g of vegetables (carrots, broccoli, bell peppers) 🍚 200 g of rice or quinoa 🧄 2 cloves of garlic 🧂 Salt to taste 🌶 Chili powder (optional) 🛢️ 2 tablespoons of olive oil 🍽️ Spices of choice (Provence herbs, curry, etc.) Utensils 🍳

Cuisson de la côte de bœuf : guide étape par étape
Cuisson de la côte de bœuf : guide étape par étape

Cooking of rib steak: step-by-step guide Ingredients Recipe for 4 people. 🍖 Rib steak (about 1 kg) 🧂 Salt (to taste) 🧄 Garlic cloves (2, crushed) 🌿 Herbs de Provence (to taste) 🧈 Butter (50 g) 🌶️ Chili (optional) 🧊 Olive oil (2 tablespoons) Utensils 🍖 Cast iron skillet 🔥 Grill or barbecue 🌡️ Meat thermometer 🧂 Coarse salt 🧄 Marinade brush 🔪 Chef's knife…

Henne : recette et étapes pour un plat traditionnel réussi
Henne : recette et étapes pour un plat traditionnel réussi

Henne: recipe and steps for a successful traditional dish Ingredients Recipe for 4 people. 🍂 200 g of pure henna powder 🍈 1 to 2 tablespoons of olive oil 💧 Hot water (according to desired consistency) 🍋 Lemon juice (optional, for coloring) 🥛 1 to 2 tablespoons of yogurt (optional, for better texture) 🌿 Herbs or spices as desired (optional) Utensils 🧖‍♀️ Glass bowl 🥄 Wooden spoon 🌡️