Recette simple de chorizo à cuisiner chez soi
Recette simple de chorizo à cuisiner chez soi

Simple chorizo recipe to cook at home Ingredients Recipe for 4 people. 🌭 400 g of chorizo 🍚 200 g of rice 🧅 1 onion 🌶️ 1 red bell pepper 🧄 2 cloves of garlic 🥩 200 g of meat (chicken or shrimp) 🍅 400 g of crushed tomatoes 🌿 1 tablespoon of paprika 🧂 1 teaspoon of salt 🌈 Pepper to taste 🌊 500 ml…

Recette simple de chou chinois sauté aux légumes frais
Recette simple de chou chinois sauté aux légumes frais

Simple recipe for sautéed Chinese cabbage with fresh vegetables Ingredients Recipe for 4 people. 🥬 1 Chinese cabbage 🌶️ 2 bell peppers (1 green and 1 red) 🧅 2 green onions 🧄 2 garlic cloves 🧀 1 piece of fresh ginger (about 2 cm) 🌿 1 sprig of thyme 🧂 Soy sauce (to taste) 🥄 Cooking oil (as desired) Utensils 🥢 Wok 🥄 Wooden spoon 🔪 Kitchen knife…

Recette simple de pâte de cacahuète maison à réaliser
Recette simple de pâte de cacahuète maison à réaliser

Simple homemade peanut butter recipe to make Ingredients Recipe for 4 people. 🥜 450 g of roasted and unsalted peanuts 🧂 1 pinch of salt 🛢️ 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil (optional) 🍬 1 teaspoon of sugar (optional) Utensils 🧑‍🍳 Food processor 🥄 Tablespoon 🍁 Teaspoon 🔥 Baking sheet ⏱️ Timer 🧪 Mixing bowl 📏 Kitchen scale 🧽 Storage container Preparation Step by Step Preparation…

Recette de bretzel : préparez vos bretzels maison facilement
Recette de bretzel : préparez vos bretzels maison facilement

Recipe for pretzels: easily prepare your homemade pretzels Ingredients Recipe for 4 people. 🍞 Flour: 500 g 🥛 Milk: 300 ml 🌾 Baker's yeast: 10 g 🧂 Salt: 1.5 tsp 🧈 Butter: 30 g 💧 Water: 1.5 liters 🧂 Coarse salt: to sprinkle at the end 🧪 Baking soda: 40 g Utensils 🧁 Large mixing bowl 🍽️ Slotted spatula 🥣 Tablespoon 🌡️ Cooking thermometer ⚖️ Kitchen scale…