Comment préparer des tortellini maison facilement
Comment préparer des tortellini maison facilement

How to easily prepare homemade tortellini Ingredients Recipe for 4 people. 🍚 100 g of flour (or 50 g of flour + 50 g of extra fine semolina) 🥚 1 egg 🧂 1/2 teaspoon of salt 🍖 Raw ham for the filling, to taste 🍖 Mortadella 🥩 Pork meat 🧀 Grated Parmesan, for the filling 🌿 Parsley, to taste Utensils 🍴 Food processor 🥄 Measuring…


Comment to prepare Italian asparagus pasta?

The Preparation of Ingredients When cooking an Italian dish, the preparation of ingredients is an essential step to achieve an authentic and flavorful result. Here are some tips on how to properly prepare the ingredients for your Italian recipes. Vegetables For Italian recipes, fresh vegetables often play an important role. It is important to prepare them well to maintain their…

Avez-vous déjà goûté à la délicieuse recette de gnocchis super gourmande ? Vous n'allez plus pouvoir vous en passer !
Avez-vous déjà goûté à la délicieuse recette de gnocchis super gourmande ? Vous n'allez plus pouvoir vous en passer !

Have you ever tasted the deliciously indulgent recipe for super gourmet gnocchi? You won’t be able to live without it! Ah, gnocchi! These little wonders of Italian cuisine that turn a simple meal into an unforgettable feast. Have you ever had the pleasure of tasting an ultra-gourmet version of these soft nuggets? If not, get ready to discover a dish so comforting and flavorful that you won't be able to live without it. From their soft and melting texture…