Recette simple pour cuisiner le cognassier du Japon
Recette simple pour cuisiner le cognassier du Japon

Recipe simple to cook the quince tree of Japan Ingredients Recipe for 4 people. 🍏 Japanese Quince Fruits (1 kg) 🍊 Apples (500 g) 🧂 Sugar (1 kg) 💧 Water (enough to cover) 🍋 Lemon Juice (50 ml) 🌿 Spices (cinnamon, cloves - to taste) Utensils 🍳 Heavy-bottomed Pot 🔪 Knife 🍽️ Wooden Spoon 🧊 Strainer 🥄 Tablespoon 📏 Measuring Cup 🍬 Scale 🥣 Bowl Step-by-Step Preparation…


Comment prepare a delicious mirabelle juice ?

The Benefits of Mirabelle The Benefits of Mirabelle The mirabelle is a delicious, juicy, and sweet fruit originating from the Lorraine region of France. It is valued for its refined flavor and juicy flesh, but did you know that it is also beneficial for health? In this article, we will discover the numerous nutritional benefits of mirabelle and why it…