Est-ce que l'aéroport de Marseille réinvente l'expérience du voyage avec sa cuisine provençale et ses produits locaux ?
Est-ce que l'aéroport de Marseille réinvente l'expérience du voyage avec sa cuisine provençale et ses produits locaux ?

Does Marseille airport reinvent the travel experience with its Provençal cuisine and local products?

Discover how Marseille Airport adds a Provençal touch to the travel experience by offering authentic cuisine and quality local products. Embark on a culinary journey that will delight your taste buds and make every step of your trip a true gastronomic getaway. Marseille Provence Airport: A Local Revolution in Sight Marseille Provence Airport (AMP) is celebrating its 100th anniversary with…

Découvrez la recette authentique de la soupe au pistou
Découvrez la recette authentique de la soupe au pistou

Discover the authentic recipe for pistou soup

Discover the authentic recipe for soup au pistou, a true symbol of Provençal cuisine. This light soup, often prepared in summer, evokes sweet memories of the colorful Mediterranean markets, where flavors intertwine to create a comforting dish. In every spoonful of this soup, discover the harmony of fresh beans and seasonal vegetables, enhanced with a touch of garlic and a…